Twin Flames have the same desires and passions ♥ the same SOUL personality ♥The EXACT Soul Signature ♥ As we embrace our hearts desires and passions ♥ in harmony with the Divine ♥ we magnetise our True Twin Flame ♥ in the perfect Divine Plan and order of Perfection
♥~When we understand ourselves as a SOUL ♥ we
understand our Twin Flame ♥ because we are the exact SOUl vibration ♥
frequency ♥ That frequency makes up certain words ♥ that shows us the
shared I AM Name ♥ which naturally is the Dream of the Soul ♥ When we
have this awareness we begin to understand the ONE soul and merge in
harmony and bliss ♥~words by Liora
Dear Ones
You asked ….”What if my twin flame is in another relationship “ ?
Beloveds, your twin flame is you in exact soul essence, you share the exact soul signature, which creates the beauty and uniqueness of the Sacred Twin Flame Reunion. When you understand yourselves purely as a soul, and your twin flame as a soul, you will transcend all the t
Dear Ones
You asked ….”What if my twin flame is in another relationship “ ?
Beloveds, your twin flame is you in exact soul essence, you share the exact soul signature, which creates the beauty and uniqueness of the Sacred Twin Flame Reunion. When you understand yourselves purely as a soul, and your twin flame as a soul, you will transcend all the t
hird dimensional limited egoic projections of control.
If your twin flame is in a relationship, it is merely reflecting the sub-conscious addictive shadow patterns that are blocking the Sacred Divine Reunion with your one true beloved.
Twin flames share the exact soul signature and mirror each other in polarity saboteur egoic patterns until one comes into pure balance and wholeness vibrationally, via the emotional body, transcended from all controlling patterns and compulsions to placate one's core wound.
Dear Ones, we know this is challenging to understand from a limited mental perspective of limited embedded beliefs, however, do understand that if you are in Reunion with your Beloved twin flame, your soul is ready to balance and align by releasing all the blockages, via the human vessel to Divine Love and your full physical reunion with your twin flame……The Angels……..channeled by Liora If you would like to alchemise this dynamic from the deepest CORE Soul perspective, please view the website for details of Twin Flame Soul Alchmey sessions with Liora
If your twin flame is in a relationship, it is merely reflecting the sub-conscious addictive shadow patterns that are blocking the Sacred Divine Reunion with your one true beloved.
Twin flames share the exact soul signature and mirror each other in polarity saboteur egoic patterns until one comes into pure balance and wholeness vibrationally, via the emotional body, transcended from all controlling patterns and compulsions to placate one's core wound.
Dear Ones, we know this is challenging to understand from a limited mental perspective of limited embedded beliefs, however, do understand that if you are in Reunion with your Beloved twin flame, your soul is ready to balance and align by releasing all the blockages, via the human vessel to Divine Love and your full physical reunion with your twin flame……The Angels……..channeled by Liora If you would like to alchemise this dynamic from the deepest CORE Soul perspective, please view the website for details of Twin Flame Soul Alchmey sessions with Liora
~The SACRED Twin Flame Reunion ♥ begins with the SACRED SELF reunion ♥ the inner balance of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine ♥ via the emotional body ♥ creating a human vessel of VIBRATIONAL wholeness ♥ beyond the mind ♥ beyond the deeply buried sub-conscious CORE wound ♥ that embeds us into the limited consciousness of duality~
Love/hate relationships
Unless and until you access the consciousness frequency of presence,
all relationships, and particularly intimate relationships, are deeply
flawed and ultimately dysfunctional. They may seem perfect for a while,
such as when you are “in love,” but invariably that apparent perfection
gets disrupted as arguments, conflicts, dissatisfaction, and emotional
or even physical violence occur with increasing frequency.
It seems that most “love relationships” become love/hate relationships
before long. Love can then turn into savage attack, feelings of
hostility, or complete withdrawal of affection at the flick of a switch.
This is considered normal.
If in your relationships you experience both “love” and the opposite of love — attack, emotional violence, and so on — then it is likely that you are confusing ego attachment and addictive clinging with love. You cannot love your partner one moment and attack him or her the next. True love has no opposite. If your “love” has an opposite, then it is not love but a strong ego-need for a more complete and deeper sense of self, a need that the other person temporarily meets. It is the ego’s substitute for salvation, and for a short time it almost does feel like salvation.
But there comes a point when your partner behaves in ways that fail to meet your needs, or rather those of your ego. The feelings of fear, pain, and lack that are an intrinsic part of egoic consciousness but had been covered up by the “love relationship” now resurface.
Just as with every other addiction, you are on a high when the drug is available, but invariably there comes a time when the drug no longer works for you.
When those painful feelings reappear, you feel them even more strongly than before, and what is more, you now perceive your partner as the cause of those feelings. This means that you project them outward and attack the other with all the savage violence that is part of your pain.
This attack may awaken the partner’s own pain, and he or she may counter your attack. At this point, the ego is still unconsciously hoping that its attack or its attempts at manipulation will be sufficient punishment to induce your partner to change their behavior, so that it can use them again as a cover-up for your pain.
Every addiction arises from an unconscious refusal to face and move through your own pain. Every addiction starts with pain and ends with pain. Whatever the substance you are addicted to — alcohol, food, legal or illegal drugs, or a person — you are using something or somebody to cover up your pain.
That is why, after the initial euphoria has passed, there is so much unhappiness, so much pain in intimate relationships. They do not cause pain and unhappiness. They bring out the pain and unhappiness that is already in you. Every addiction does that. Every addiction reaches a point where it does not work for you anymore, and then you feel the pain more intensely than ever.
This is one reason why most people are always trying to escape from the present moment and are seeking some kind of salvation in the future. The first thing that they might encounter if they focused their attention on the Now is their own pain, and this is what they fear. If they only knew how easy it is to access in the Now the power of presence that dissolves the past and its pain, the reality that dissolves the illusion. If they only knew how close they are to their own reality, how close to God.
Avoidance of relationships in an attempt to avoid pain is not the answer either. The pain is there anyway. Three failed relationships in as many years are more likely to force you into awakening than three years on a desert island or shut away in your room. But if you could bring intense presence into your aloneness, that would work for you too. ~Eckhart Tolle ~shared by Liora
If in your relationships you experience both “love” and the opposite of love — attack, emotional violence, and so on — then it is likely that you are confusing ego attachment and addictive clinging with love. You cannot love your partner one moment and attack him or her the next. True love has no opposite. If your “love” has an opposite, then it is not love but a strong ego-need for a more complete and deeper sense of self, a need that the other person temporarily meets. It is the ego’s substitute for salvation, and for a short time it almost does feel like salvation.
But there comes a point when your partner behaves in ways that fail to meet your needs, or rather those of your ego. The feelings of fear, pain, and lack that are an intrinsic part of egoic consciousness but had been covered up by the “love relationship” now resurface.
Just as with every other addiction, you are on a high when the drug is available, but invariably there comes a time when the drug no longer works for you.
When those painful feelings reappear, you feel them even more strongly than before, and what is more, you now perceive your partner as the cause of those feelings. This means that you project them outward and attack the other with all the savage violence that is part of your pain.
This attack may awaken the partner’s own pain, and he or she may counter your attack. At this point, the ego is still unconsciously hoping that its attack or its attempts at manipulation will be sufficient punishment to induce your partner to change their behavior, so that it can use them again as a cover-up for your pain.
Every addiction arises from an unconscious refusal to face and move through your own pain. Every addiction starts with pain and ends with pain. Whatever the substance you are addicted to — alcohol, food, legal or illegal drugs, or a person — you are using something or somebody to cover up your pain.
That is why, after the initial euphoria has passed, there is so much unhappiness, so much pain in intimate relationships. They do not cause pain and unhappiness. They bring out the pain and unhappiness that is already in you. Every addiction does that. Every addiction reaches a point where it does not work for you anymore, and then you feel the pain more intensely than ever.
This is one reason why most people are always trying to escape from the present moment and are seeking some kind of salvation in the future. The first thing that they might encounter if they focused their attention on the Now is their own pain, and this is what they fear. If they only knew how easy it is to access in the Now the power of presence that dissolves the past and its pain, the reality that dissolves the illusion. If they only knew how close they are to their own reality, how close to God.
Avoidance of relationships in an attempt to avoid pain is not the answer either. The pain is there anyway. Three failed relationships in as many years are more likely to force you into awakening than three years on a desert island or shut away in your room. But if you could bring intense presence into your aloneness, that would work for you too. ~Eckhart Tolle ~shared by Liora
"Żyją na świecie trzy rodzaje ludzi. Jedni są podobni do liter wykutych w skale: łatwo ulegają złości, a gniewne myśli długo pozostają w ich umysłach Inni są jak litery napisane na piasku: również ulegają złości, lecz gniew szybko ich opuszcza. Jeszcze inni podobni są literom pisanym na płynącej wodzie: nie przywiązują się do swoich myśli i nie przejmują się złorzeczeniami ani plotkami, zaś umysły ich są czyste i spokojne." Budda
..."We have lacked the real humility of recognizing that we are members of the biosphere, the 'harmony of contained conflicts' in which we cannot exist at all without the cooperation of plants, insects, fish, cattle, and bacteria. In the same measure, we have lacked the proper self-respect of recognizing that I, the individual organism, am a structure of such fabulous ingenuity that it calls the whole universe into being." ~Alan Watts...
Cytat Buddy o rodzajach ludzi bardzo mi dzisiaj pomógl , pragnę stać sie kiedyś tym trzecim rodzajem :)