piątek, 27 lipca 2012



QUESTION: Do you have any tips or advice etc on the best way to stay focused, positive and keep moving forward when the person you love and have a child with isn't there and can sometimes be negative and angry? I understand we are at all different stages of our growth but can 2 people be together happily if one is desperate to accelerate and the other is scared and maybe not ready? I have been trying to just keep going with my journey and send him lots of love and light.

ANSWER: Yes, it is very possible for you to stay together IF the relationship is based on LOVE and TRUST and not attachment and control. This is a very common dilemma for many people. One person will begin the spiritual path and the other may not be ready or may be full of fear and distorted beliefs. Remember the spiritual path is the healing path so in order to advance spiritually we have to face the inner distortions ~ mainly the unprocessed emotions and feelings, negative beliefs, egoic behavioral patterns and karma (unbalanced energy) ~ within our energy fields. Although your soul may be ready to bring your self into balance, for many people, the comforts of denial will keep them from healing. The thought of actually having to take responsibility for their inner workings may be to much for them to handle and they will refuse to participate in any kind of spiritual practice because when we finally decide to FACE GOD we have to face OUR SELVES. The important thing is for you to stay committed to your healing journey no matter what ~ and you will be tested in your commitment. Oftentimes, when we begin to heal and transcend the negative behavioral patterns within us one of two things will occur ~ you will become an example for them...a beacon of light where they decide they too want to create more love, joy and happiness for themselves OR they may get scared that you are changing to rapidly and they may be fearful of loosing you (the old you) so they will try to stop your growth and keep you exactly the way you are.....because if they keep you the same, then they don’t have to change either. Having said that....I think it is important to look at your relationship in the past tense....has it been a loving relationship? Is this person possessive and controlling or will they be able to allow you to follow your heart? Your past will show you a lot about the future of your relationship. In addition, you will need to be very careful yourself about not pushing the other person onto the spiritual path. The best way for us to teach is by example. Honor and respect their right to choose. By you simply aligning yourself with Spirit, you will shift your vibration and you will effect everyone you come in contact with....especially the family members in your household. When you raise your frequency, you raise the vibration of the house and it is impossible for them to not be affected by your positive energy. Oftentimes, simply through vibrational resonance, they will begin to shift...especially if you are sleeping next to the person at night. You can also ask your guides and angels to please work with your partners spiritual team in raising their vibration for THEIR highest and best good....remember you DO NOT know what is for their highest and best good, but their spiritual teams and Spirit do ~ ask for their help. Also don’t be attached to the relationship and their spiritual growth....stay focused on yours. Also, be aware that as you climb the mountain of self, raising your vibrations you will be put in situations to prove that you can hold your light and that you are willing to release the old behaviors that no longer serve you. Usually, these interactions will occur within our families....especially through our kids and partners. We are learning how to master ourselves. You are with your partner for a reason. As long as the relationship is loving (not perfect), and the other person honors your free will right to choose ~ and you honor their free will right to choose ~ then it is very possible this relationship can be a catalyst for tremendous soul growth and advancement for both of you. It may be a little rocky in the beginning as you begin to re-birth your self, but it is totally doable. If the relationship begins to exhaust your energy, becomes abusive, domineering or begins to halt your growth then you may need to make some adjustments. You may even need to learn how to stand up for your self in a balanced loving manner, learn how to speak your truth with words of love, learn how to express your feelings and also learn how to make sure your needs are met. Only you can choose to do what is best for you and your family. Just make sure you keep your self on the upward spiral of soul ascension....face your problems, fears, distortions, attachments and distorted beliefs. If the relationship is meant to be then it will remain...if it needs to be released ~ you will know. Ask for guidance from Spirit in all things that you do, and then be still and “listen”. Many Blessings, Sabrina
P'taah's Message for September 2011

Greetings my beloved ones! Today we are to speak about relationships.

Now indeed, one way or another, you may say that the topic called 'relationship' is very apropos in all of your lives. Either there is some area of your life where you are having a relationship which is not what you want it to be or you are yearning for a relationship of a certain type that is not showing forth in your life.

So, what is it, this relationship? You know, there is no kind of relationship which is more valid than any other. Certainly you all tend to label your relationships and to say that this one is important, this one is not quite so important, and this one is indeed very, very important to you.

But the truth is, for your own growth and expansion, all of the relationships that you have in your life are equally as valid. Whether it is with a lover or spouse, with a child or parent and siblings, with employer or employee, or with somebody that you only meet once in your life but have some kind of emotional rapport or exchange with, all of it is valid. All of it is valid because, whatever your relationship, it is a reflection to you.

We have been saying forth to you very often that when you view whatever is occurring in your life by the emotional quotient -- that is in any situation, 'How does it feel?' -- then indeed 'How does it feel?' is your barometer to what the issues are in your life. What is aligned. What is not aligned. What is an opportunity for expansion. What is to be recognized as a re-creation of old patternings that you may choose to go beyond, hmm? All of it, if you like, is a way for you to measure and to know more about you.

Let us speak for one moment about the lack of relationship in your life. You can all look at your lives and recognize this one, hmm? Many of you are feeling that there is an empty space within you that you really desire to fill and you go out to find somebody to fill it. So this space is filled by that one who would fulfill the role of lover, or indeed spouse.

Then what occurs is that somewhere along the road, the bloom wears off the rose. Does that sound familiar to you? Instead of that heart-stopping, most exciting, wondrous love affair, you come to a place where it is disappointing. Where the lover, through familiarity, is not fulfilling that obligation which was to be perfect, to fill the empty space, to provide you with what you cannot provide for yourself. And in that moment you begin to find fault and you say, "Well you are not as I would desire you to be and so good-bye." End of relationship. Move on and find the next perfect one. You all know about that, hmm?

All right, so what we would say to you -- and this is very important because many of you have heard much given forth about your soul mates and twin flames -- so it is the desire of your heart to find the soul mate who will be absolutely perfect and then it will be the perfect relationship, happily ever after.

Well, bad luck! Indeed that which is your soul mate, should you find it, will reflect back to you absolutely everything which is not aligned in your life! Therefore we would say in this timing, you should perhaps pray that you don't meet that one yet, hmm? (Laughter)

We are teasing a little bit, but the truth of the matter is that nobody can fill that empty space but you. And what is the empty space? The empty space is the vacuum created when you separate from yourself in your judgment of who you are; the vacuum created by the knowing that you are not enough.

So it does not matter who you invite into your life to fill the gap. They cannot do it. You understand? Because each one you invite into your life is there to reflect back to you who you really are.

And indeed they will reflect to you that which is the wondrousness, but you understand that if you do not know that you are beautiful, your lover telling you how beautiful you are will not be a truth for you. If you do not love who you are, if you do not accept every facet of you and love it absolutely, your lover loving every facet of you will not be enough because it will not be your truth. Do you understand?

So when you can look at your relationship with a lover and know that it, indeed, is a mirror to you, then you will take responsibility for whatever is occurring to you and see that it is not something that somebody has done. It is something that you have co-created, co-created through your beliefs, through your ideas, through your fears about the truth of you.

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