piątek, 24 sierpnia 2012

All of Ayahuasca

‎"The power of the universe is inside you..." www.thebookIAM.com

Mi alma abraza tu alma..♥..Gracias por SER Y ESTAR

(((((.♥.TE AMO.♥.)))))

Namaskar.......SOMOS UNO........♥1♥


Click and focus on this energy image to clear negative energy from your life. Buddhist monks depicted within metaphysical energy swirls hit a large drum in a ceremony that drives away bad energy. From the collection of Energy Artist Julia. For more details or information on prints click this link: https://www.etsy.com/listing/101755952/energy-clearing-buddhist-monks-painting


“All the things that truly matter, beauty, love, 
creativity, joy and inner peace arise from beyond the mind.”

Eckhart Tolle

środa, 22 sierpnia 2012

Ayahuasca film

Rumi Quotes

"Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of their HEART."


A cross media documentary about ayahuasca

PROBLEM is MORE Problem when u try to find a solution for it...stop it n move ahead u come to know that it has been solved.......u shud remember 1 thing that u r taken care of .....there is some supreme power wid u...G


✣...Spirituality leaps where science cannot yet follow, because science must always test and measure, and much of reality and human experience is immeasurable...

✣ Miriam Simos

 Alistar Valadez.

...They say beauty is in the EYE of the beholder, but then the mind comes along and distorts reality. We label, we judge, we define what is good and bad, yet we do not even understand that most of us look at the world through a veil of words. Opinions are what currently rule the land, opinions pushed by the reactions of ego. This is why someone who may appear beautiful to you, may look ugly throug
h someone else's eyes. Which eyes are true? Is beauty something that can BE defined, or is beauty created when we look at someone's true nature? To really look at something requires a silent non-judging mind, then just like the Buddha, one can Awaken from the illusion of words. For the One with a open EYE, the beauty of a flower can reveal the true beauty we ALL possess inside...

 ...You can not stop your thoughts in the same way you can not stop freeway noise, but One can learn not to cling to thoughts, and that is how One reaches inner silence. Beyond the realm of words is the great silence, which is the source of ALL your animation and passions. The realm of verbs, pronouns, nouns and all that jazz are only rules of grammar, not the rules of the universe or nature. Chang
e the I to EYE, for the world you SEE is ALL created by looking within the mind, but the Universal field of consciousness is far to great to ALL be held within the human mind, so look closer at whats around today, for that IS the only thing that serves towards expansion or decay. IT serves no purpose to daydream of levels one cannot access, so look closer at the world that is around your vision today, for that IS the only place to access a true Divine Moment of Truth...

...We all have opinions as to what the meaning of Life IS, but how many of us actually look deeply into our own lives and discover our own true meaning? Its easy to repeat the words of others and follow the ideals and beliefs of self proclaimed spiritual masters, but does the meaning of life have anything to do with repeating the opinions of others? Meaning only comes to us when we look deeply int
o our own nature, not through the eyes of another, but directly through Your EYE. Looking at Your own nature with a silent non-judging mind is the only path to understanding Your own meaning and purpose for existing right here and now. When we strip away the labels, roles, and myths we carry about ourselves, we are left with only our true essence, that which we where before our mother and father conceived us. Can you think back to a time that you didn't exist? Or is Life one continuous unfolding of pulsing on and off forces and experiences, just like the beating of your heart or like the cycles of sleep and awakening. Dont agree or disagree with these words, look deeply into your own spirit, that force which animates your body and drives ALL your passions. Are we here to just coast through life til we reach the grave, or do we have a purpose? Look at the nature of the universe, everything seeks to expand! Everything has purpose! Everything is either expanding or decaying, so which purpose do you serve? If we could but release the opinions of society, culture and religions and discover our own truth, one would stop seeking for the meaning of life and just BE who they Really ARE...Then the words of spiritual masters would act only as inspiration instead of doctrine, just like music and poetry, for their true message is to spark a light in the darkness which surrounds US. As the Awakened One, Buddha once said, “Opinion, O disciples, is a disease; opinion is a tumour; opinion is a sore. He who has overcome all opinion, O disciples, is called a saint, One who Knows.”...

...There are a few who claim to have slipped through the cracks and have witnessed the great mystery in ALL its divinity, but even that brings no clarity, and only deepens the mystery. Because the mystery goes into a realm where no ego mind can enter, a transcendence beyond words, and that realm IS real, infinite and beyond measure...At some point in the life of a seeker, the seeking must stop and
FACING the mystery must BE reached. Facing the unknown forces one to step up and expand, the fear is real, your rite of passage is stepping through the fear, and a empowered being IS what emerges on the other side. Nothing worth doing is ever easy, reaching a peak requires tremendous energy and courage, but if its in the stars, the path will unfold, just look and listen, less pushing and wait for the pull, and just BE ready!!! Live with the focused attention of looking for the signs, KNOW your walking on a pathless path, have no doubt in your bones, and the universe will unfold the great Mystery before You. Step through with a fearless heart, your freedom awaits on the other side, yet there is a extreme level of intensity One must cross through when going through any Change. Face the mystery, then you will KNOW the Universe is Divine and full of Magic, and ALL IT took was just with a little of Your focused attention, lead by your Heart and not by Your Mind! Then You shall KNOW that You too ARE real, infinite, and beyond measure...

 Alistar Valadez.

...The first rule of all ancient religions is Know Thyself, like a onion we peel away the layers and find nothing in the center, yet if you keep looking closer to that center it keeps going into the infinite, its like we are trying to look back at our EYEs and it just keeps escaping our view. So we look into the EYEs of another and see the infinite, which is You...
— z: Sin Albrecht

...Sometimes in Life we have to let go of things to really appreciate and understand their true value, dont cling too tight or You may suffocate the things You admire the most. Just as our breath, if we hold IT too long, we lose it all and fade away, One must breathe out and Trust that IT will return. This applies to ALL things in Life, sometimes we must give away power in order to get IT. Like wh
en one learns to swim, if your grab and clutch the water, you sink and drown, if you relax and let go, you attain the power to float. This all ties in with leading with the heart and less with the mind, leading with the heart is swimming downstream and going with the flow, leading with the mind is swimming upstream and fighting the currents. With the balance of the two, One can hold the power of a raging river, and with that strength One can carve and create their own Pathless Path...

...In order to Discover the Real You, one should first Understand who we are Not, and by stripping away the false, your True Self will emerge, just as a stone sculptor chips away stone to reveal his hidden art. And the false is what others say You ARE, what others define You as, if someone wants to label You, then they are only placing a limit on You, and we ALL have the potential to BE Limitless beings, once we take our lives back and dont let the "opinions" of egos shape IT. The Path to Self Discovery IS always UN-folding for Us ALL, ITs Not the Destination that IS the Goal, but ITs the Journey of New experiences that guides us into BEcoming What WE Truly ARE...
— z: Yuxikix Kix

...If you say that reality is material, that's just a concept, if you say that reality is spiritual, that's also just a concept. Reality is not a concept! Reality IS what You SEE beyond the chatter of your "judging" ego mind, but if One is blind to "What IS", it is only because they are lost in the realm of thoughts, which is the realm of "What Should BE".

...It is said that to be Enlightened we must live in the Eternal NOW, which IS to be Awake in the Present Moment. The Universe exists only in this Moment, and it IS said that the Wise Man moves with IT, clinging neither to the Past nor to the Future, making his Mind like a Mirror that Reflects Everything Instantly as it comes before IT, yet making no effort to Retain the Reflection when the Object
is Moved. Its not the past that defines us, ITs the Present Moment, so look well at what Your doing Now, what Your feeling Now, for this IS what defines You. We each have our own individual unique calling, to express the Eternal in every way possible, ITs only our judgments that get in our way, that make us think the Outer should be in a different Way. Most of us try to cling to the good in life and negate the bad, but we could not enjoy the good in life without also experiencing the bad, they go together, its like trying to arrange a room with everything up and nothing down, it cant be done. But a Wise One understands ITs the spontaneity of Life that makes the Universe feel Alive and Real...

...I'm no certified doctor, but EYE can SEE "What IS". Millions of people are addicted to antidepressant pills, thinking changing brain chemistry can create happiness in Ones life. But Consciousness dictates the chemistry in the mind, but in this backwards world the blind cannot see what is true, and look for a excuse from doing the inner work. Brain chemistry is the aftereffect of the unconscious or conscious mind, its like looking at the wake of a ship and thinking that is what defines the ship, when the reverse is what is true...This is why those who take pills for depression, just end up more unconscious...A pill can not make anyone more conscious, only a silent mind cures that dis-ease...

...Most humans are basically sleepwalking through life, if one looks deeply at human nature, they will see that the sense of self, the ego, is only created by the conditioning of social and cultural behaviors and beliefs passed down through generations. Isn't it time for you to Awaken from this illusion? To see that your sense of self, your ego, is nothing but a genuine hoax. To put off your Awake
ning to some far off divine event, is only escaping the work that needs to be done today. For there IS only transformation, which is complete, beyond that is only behavior modification, which IS still a prison of the ego, and thus still only a illusion of self. Until One makes the UNconscious Conscious, One can Never Know who they Really ARE. If Limited is how one wants to remain, then their limit is set. But until one looks within for themselves, the words and beliefs of others will only keep your true spirit enslaved. You ARE either fully Awake or Your Asleep, there is no in between, to "think" one has a understanding of the self, is only blind to the hidden Shadow within...

...The EYE of the beholder creates everything IT SEE's, without the need for thinking or over-analyzing, just as IT beats your heart, grows your hair, shines the sun, and blues the sky, ALL within the confines of your own inner mind. Yet the mind only reflects that which IT possess inside, so if one does not Know they are viewing a outer world through a inner vision experience, One will go on pretending the drama in this movie called life is Real, and will forget IT was all just a Dream...

...The mind always takes the path of least resistance, the heart takes the journey to the highest peaks, to reach the view of the stars requires a fearless heart, for the mind cannot view beyond ground level. So IT depends on what you seek, expansion or decay, for IT IS truly a choice, and ITs a path we walk each and every day. Reaching higher states of consciousness is no easy task, there are man
y paths which can become life long commitments, but all these methods mean nothing unless you reach the ultimate truth, and that is remembering who You really ARE. Without that, life is only one big conflict, for One is caught in the duality of separation. But to FEEL the unity requires a relationship with the Universe, in order to SEE the harmony that IS always surrounding You...

...Are you a unique individual or are you part of the collective consciousness of society? Many "think" they are unique and individual as they follow the sheeple of society, consuming excess in order to feed the appetites of corporate greed. When the truth is we wear the same clothes, reuse the same names, work the same dull boring jobs of the yesterdays, watch the same shows, it is as if we are l
ike bee's that are blind to the hive mind. Yet there is a way out of this invisible prison, that many hold on to oh so dear, and that is by seeing that the roles we play is only our image, which creates our ego, but that is not Your true individual unique self. For we are far more original then most express, just look at your fingertips, as no two are alike! The choice is Yours to make, to Awaken or stay asleep, but the first step is to SEE how unconscious You really ARE. Shedding light unto your own darkness reveals your truth, and that is the path to discovering the unique individual that IS You. For IT will take a Awakened unique individual to Bring The Change to this collective society!...

...Science says just give us one "miracle" at the beginning of time and we will explain everything else as a non-miracle, yet for someone to believe that everything sprang from one point for no reason at all, well that takes a giant leap of "faith". Science, for the most part, doesn't even understand the human brain yet, they cant understand it because the consciousness behind it is ignored, and t
he same goes with the study of the universe...The human mind is too small to contain ALL the wisdom of the universe, for if it did IT would rip to shreds in a instant. The universe created the humans, yet the humans try to define the universe, but what good is understanding the origins of the universe when most dont even know how to enjoy being Alive today...In the end we ALL reach the singularity, then there will BE KNOWing, but that will come when we face the miracle at the end of this show, instead of dreaming about IT in the beginning!...

 ...Most of us know there is more to existence then this perceived material realm, this life here is just the build up to some sort of climax, and all we can DO is be as unique and individual as we possibly can BE. Dont try to fit into society, after all its just a big game that has been set up by a few elite, unconscious or conscious, the rules are out of our hands, yet like any game, we can find
ways to cheat. Its going to take a unique individual to make any true change in the inner and outer world. For those on the Pathless path, keep digging and seeking, your going to Discover more then You can imagine Now. If You haven't gotten your True message or calling yet, IT will come, and you'll know because IT will feel like a ton of bricks hit You, and you'll never be the same...But for now, just keep a Aware EYE on that which is closest to You, as often as You can, and You too will soon SEE things with new EYEs, by focusing less on the outer and focusing on the vast dimensions inward, then the rest can BE written by You..

środa, 8 sierpnia 2012

Be blessed ALL Brothers and Sister

All of us, you and I, we are Holy Messengers of Light...We do our part for God, Gaia and humanity.....
`*.¸.* ´* LIGHT ´¯`•.¸¸.♥ be blessed ALL Brothers and Sister
A teacher cannot give you the truth.
The truth is already in you.
You only need to open yourself –
body, mind and heart-
so that his or her teachings will penetrate your own seeds of understanding and enlightenment.
If you let the words enter you, the soil and the seeds will do the rest of the work.

— Thich Nhat Hanh

Not only do you create the way you look at things; you create the things you look at.
Enlightenment means to become full of light. Keeping ourselves open to the Divine Oneness, allowing the light to touch our hearts, flowing in through stillness. ~ Dharma Talks
 ≈ ∆๑∆ ≈ ... Your inner is so vast and so great that by your outer it cannot be judged.

Your outer remains superficial, accidental. I will repeat it. Your outer remains accidental, your inner is the essence.

So remember to uncover the inner, and don't get entangled with the outer.

~ Osho ~
‎'Tree of Life'