niedziela, 5 sierpnia 2012


QUESTION: How will we know when we have finished clearing the first 7 chakras?

ANSWER: You will have a blissful energetic awakening where your kundalini (your divine creator energy, that has laid dormant at the base of your spine) will awaken and rise up the spine breaking the seven seals over your chakras. You will experience your ONENESS ~ UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS ~ with God and all beings. It is eu
phoric, and will change your consciousness and way of being forever. You will KNOW who you, and everyone, everything else IS ~ GOD/GODDESS. It will be a direct experience of God and your will no longer be a mental concept. Everyone who chooses to ascend will go through this process ~ ascension really means to ascend our consciousness where we merge with a higher aspect of our being that has been with us all a long. We have forgotten, but now we are re-member-ing our SELVES....our multidimensionality! After we purify the seven levels of mans development (chakras), we still have work to do. With continued dedication to our spiritual self we will activate chakras 8-12 where all 12 strands of our DNA will be re-activated and our Light Body returned to us. This is the Holy Grail and returning ourselves to our truth as masters! Exciting isn't it!
You are not disabled by the disabilities you have; 
you are able by the abilities you have.
Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaskar"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"

"If All Doctrines Lead to the same God,then why this Mutual Animosity and Arguments?."

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