poniedziałek, 23 lipca 2012


I had a dream last night...
it began with sparks on the tip of my toes...
my hands...
and very strongly on the top of my head...
My whole body started to electrify itself little by little... 
and lighting kept fluctuating within and out of me...
Later I felt like my soul left and then returned purified to the body ♥
So much love...
So much gratitude for the goddess in each and everyone of us!

QUESTION: If your vibration is low already what can you do to raise it?

ANSWER: I suggest people begin with their THOUGHTS. Simply become aware of what you are thinking at all times, and when you notice you have fallen into a negative head spin ~ stop your self, and redirect your thinking into something more positive and life affirming for yourself and those around you. It will take time to change your thought patterns....the first part is simply becoming conscious of them.....and don't beat your self up when you slip up, because that will lower your vibration even further! Say "thank you for this greater awareness", and just redirect your thinking. Be kind to your self.

Also be aware of your emotional body....if your emotions are all over the place, your emotional body is not balanced, and it will greatly affect your vibration. "Where your emotions are, is where your vibration is." Oftentimes, people will get so emotional in a cause they are "fighting" for, they don't even realize they have allowed themselves to get out of balance, and have lowered their vibration to such a point their ego is in full control. The ego creates judgment, rigid thinking, separation consciousness and better than/less than OPINIONS....the ego loves to fight and create duality! Notice when it arises in you, and allow yourself to realign with your higher wisdom of "no control" over others, because our true power lies in controlling our SELF.....and this is oftentimes very hard to do because the ego is determined to focus our attention externally of the SELF. It keeps us in the world of projecting our own issues onto others and binds us to the world of illusions. The inner path raises our vibrations, the outer path lowers our vibrations.

Thoughts and emotions go together..... so whatever we are thinking is an indication of how we are feeling so I suggest you give yourself time to really process through your feelings....allow them to rise to the surface so you can release them, but don't explode on others. Give your self quite time each day to really tune into the feelings that are coming up to be released. Journaling is a great way to safely release old distorted feelings that got shoved in a "deal with later folder." Unprocessed feelings will keep you on a reactive, emotional roller coaster.... so they need to be fully felt so they can be released from the emotional body.

The final thing I suggest is meditation.....it just helps us bring everything into balance and helps us connect with higher aspects of ourselves that will help us heal our lower being. If you want more tips, I suggest my book called "Raise Your Vibration". It will go over questions to ask yourself, techniques and tools to help you align your self with your highest and best good. Blessings, Sabrina

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