niedziela, 15 lipca 2012

Healing and LOVE...

Healing and LOVE...

Healing begins when we make the internal changes that the universe asks of us. Whether we realize it or not, every time we perform a negative action, we move ourselves closer to the energy of the Desire to Receive for the Self Alone and death; while every time we perform a positive action of sharing, we move ourselves closer to our soul and life.
Healing happens when we consciously bring ourselves closer to the Light, especially when it’s difficult or when we don’t want to or when it is easier to fall prey to our negative thoughts.
The truth is what most of us are looking for is that inner peace that comes when we can go to sleep at night after saying to ourselves, “I’ve done what I could today to make myself a better person and the world a better place.” However, we do need to realize that all the things that go smoothly in our lives are just stepping stones to take us to another challenge, another level, another platform from which we can grow. Peace is not just the absence of chaos.
First of all, the important thing to know is that peace and healing cannot come from a person or place outside of ourselves. And secondly, we need to be willing to do some things that we may not want to do: To have patience when we are frustrated, to smile when we don’t feel like it, to be decent to people and even go out of our way to help someone even when we are “not in the mood for this today.”
The truth is that consciousness is living matter, and our sharing thoughts and actions have ramifications beyond what we are able to comprehend with our physical senses. Our individual responsibility to bring the Light extends much further than our place of residence or our place of work. If we really concentrate on changing ourselves in small ways, then each step will bring us closer to healing, closer to the Light, and closer to the time when together we will overcome all chaos, pain, and suffering in this world.

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